Communal Usefulness over Cultural Significance: Can Ancient Risan Survive Modern Progress? Cover Image

Communal Usefulness over Cultural Significance: Can Ancient Risan Survive Modern Progress?
Communal Usefulness over Cultural Significance: Can Ancient Risan Survive Modern Progress?

Author(s): Ana Veličković Kastratović
Subject(s): History, Archaeology
Published by: Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS)
Keywords: cultural heritage; public perception; archaeology; ancient Risan; Montenegro

Summary/Abstract: The town of Risan, located in present-day Montenegro, is a remarkable example of a settlement with a long history dating back to the ancient period of Greek colonies and Illyrian kingdoms. Thanks to its rich cultural heritage, some aspects of its past have managed to survive to this day. The local population tells stories and legends that highlight the glorious ancient history of their city. However, despite the pride that Risan’s residents take in their town, heritage protection efforts have not been very effective due to a lack of funding and potential lack of interest. This paper aims to showcase the complex relationship between cultural heritage and local communities, using Risan as a primary example.

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 14/5
  • Page Range: 59-69
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: English
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