Lucian Blaga’s Poetic Word from the Musical Perspective of the Composer Igor Iachimciuc Cover Image

Lucian Blaga’s Poetic Word from the Musical Perspective of the Composer Igor Iachimciuc

Author(s): Angela CORJAN-COLESNIC
Subject(s): Philosophy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music, Aesthetics
Published by: Universitatea Liberă Internațională din Moldova
Keywords: vocal cycle; Lucian Blaga; Igor Iachimciuc; Poems of light;

Summary/Abstract: In the center of the author’s attention is the vocal cycle Poemele luminii (Poems of Light) for mezzo-soprano and piano on the poems of the great Romanian poet Lucian Blaga signed by Igor Iachimciuc in 2005. The creation of the talented composer from the Republic of Moldova Igor Iachimciuc, settled in the USA, represents a special phenomenon in the national compositional landscape at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The tendency towards aesthetic and stylistic universalism, the synthetic character of the musical language in the composer’s creations is manifested through an organic synthesis of academic music with rock and popular music, as well as with national folklore (which, in the last period of the composer's activity, is complemented with folk music from other geographical areas). Consisting of 4 parts – I want to play!, Mugurii, La mare, Trei fețe – the vocal cycle Poemele Luminii is distinguished by the depth of the musical-poetic concept, the complexity of the musical language, the combination of musical processes that belong to different genres, styles and aesthetic-stylistic spheres. The treatment of the philosophical concept of Blaga’s poetry in the musical score of the cycle is analyzed. In addition to the fact that each vocal miniature symbolizes the general mood of the poem, the composer treats very carefully every emotional nuance of the literary text; therefore, the realization of the Blaga’s word in sound matter is carried out at different levels of the musical score. Aiming to amplify the meaning of the poetic word, the composer uses the deconstruction method, achieved by repeating certain words or syllables.

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 181-186
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: Romanian
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