Intergenerational Ambivalences in Poland: Challenges to Relationships in an Aging Society Cover Image

Ambiwalencje międzypokoleniowe w Polsce: wyzwania relacyjne w starzejącym się społeczeństwie
Intergenerational Ambivalences in Poland: Challenges to Relationships in an Aging Society

Author(s): Magdalena Romanowska
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Sociology
Published by: Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: conflict; generation; solidarity; intergenerational ambivalence; generational habitus

Summary/Abstract: The article offers an analysis of the intergenerational relationships among different age cohorts in Poland, whose context is the social polarization connected to the society’s ageing. The text relies on the material gathered through the individual in-depth interviews conducted in Warsaw in 2023 with young individuals (16–20) and the elderly (68–80). Adopting the generational approach, the article presents the narratives of both cohorts from the two interlinked perspectives: the potential intergenerational conflicts, on the one hand, and the potential for building generational solidarity, on the other. The analysis has allowed to coin the concept of generational ambivalence. Drawing on the sociological concept of ambivalence from a generational perspective, the proposed category allows to capture contradictions in the relationships between different generations’ members. The article shows how the concept of ambivalence can be applied to foster a better understanding of intergenerational relationships in contemporary Poland

  • Issue Year: 255/2024
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 53-80
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Polish
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