Author(s): Corneliu CiucanuSubject(s): Social history, Higher Education , History of Education, 19th Century, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), Sociology of Education
Published by: Liceul Vasile Conta Târgu-Neamț
Keywords: A.C. Cuza; plagiarism; interwar Romania; University of Iasi;
Summary/Abstract: Controversial personality of the Romanian cultural, publishing and political space from the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, professor A. C. Cuza attracts, above all, the attention of historians interested in deciphering the premises and causes of the outbreak of the interwar nationalist, extremist, anti-Semitic trend. Recognized as the "father of anti-Semitism", mentor of nationalist students and, at the same time, responsible for the radical slide of the "1922 generation", A. C. Cuza captured, equally, irreconcilable adversities or respect and loyalty among university youth. At the end of my intervention, I feel obliged to admit that I tried to analyze a classic case of plagiarism, which would have triggered - in those times - direct restrictive and reparative consequences in accordance with scientific and academic practice and ethics. Along the way I understood that this case did not have a concrete purpose and did not produce effects. Opinions regarding the work of Prof. A. C. Cuza were divided and, more than once, affected by partisan spirit. The "plagiarism case" of Prof. A. C. Cuza, which we tried to approach from the strictly defined angle of professional deontology, ethics and academic integrity, it fits and can be interpreted/deciphered, rather, in the key of the conflictual-political and ideological realities that tumulted, until exhaustion and collapse, interwar Romania.
Journal: Analele Liceului „Vasile Conta” Târgu-Neamț, seria Istorie
- Issue Year: 5/2023
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 55-61
- Page Count: 7
- Language: Romanian