N. Długosz, A. Eftimova. Syndrom postkowidоwy w języku. Polsko-bułgarskie studium przypadku. Raport z badañ eksperimentalnych
Post-Covid syndrome in language. Polish-Bulgarian case studies (experimental research report)
Author(s): Yuliana StoyanovaSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Book-Review, Philology, Translation Studies
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Summary/Abstract: Natalia Długosz, Andreana Eftimova. Syndrom postkowidiwy w języku. Polsko-bułgarskie stadium przypadku. Raport z badañ eksperimentalnych. Poznañ: Wydawnictwo naukowe UAM, 2023. 140 s. / The monograph explores the new vocabulary in Polish and Bulgarian that emerged during the corona virus pandemic. Empirical data were extracted by means of an associative and a survey experiment from both Polish and Bulgarian students in the pandemic 2022. On the basis of linguistic analyses, cognitive definitions of lexical meanings were formulated. The data allowed for the reconstruction of linguistic-cultural pictures of the studies concepts as well.
Journal: Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание
- Issue Year: 2024
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 141-146
- Page Count: 6
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF