Fondane the tramp and Ulysses in persuasive vagabondage. Fondane, Pound, Joyce (XI) Cover Image

Fondane vagabondul și Ulise în vagabondaj persuasiv. Fondane, Pound, Joyce (XI)
Fondane the tramp and Ulysses in persuasive vagabondage. Fondane, Pound, Joyce (XI)

Author(s): Ruxandra Cesereanu
Subject(s): Jewish Thought and Philosophy, Philology
Published by: Vatra Literară
Keywords: Benjamin Fondane; Ulysses; Jewish identity; Modernism Holocaust literature;

Summary/Abstract: In this detailed analysis, Ruxandra Cesereanu explores Benjamin Fondane’s reinterpretation of Ulysses as a Jewish wanderer, set against the backdrop of Holocaust-era modernity. Drawing parallels to Ezra Pound's Cantos and James Joyce's Ulysses, Cesereanu examines Fondane's poetic reimagining of the myth as a vehicle for existential reflection, identity search, and testimony to the Jewish experience of displacement and persecution. The essay delves into the philosophical and literary dimensions of Fondane’s Ulysses, contrasting it with the approaches of Pound and Joyce, while emphasizing its unique portrayal of a marginalized, stateless identity.

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 7-8
  • Page Range: 26-28
  • Page Count: 3
  • Language: Romanian
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