Polish Army Officers of Jewish Origin in Oflag II C Woldenberg according to the Memoirs of Marian Palenker Cover Image

Losy Żydów – oficerów Wojska Polskiego w Oflagu II C Woldenberg w świetle wspomnień Mariana Palenkera
Polish Army Officers of Jewish Origin in Oflag II C Woldenberg according to the Memoirs of Marian Palenker

Author(s): Witold Mędykowski
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, History, Military history
Published by: Wojskowe Biuro Historyczne im. gen. broni Kazimierza Sosnkowskiego
Keywords: prisoners of war;Holocaust;POW camps;Jews;World War II

Summary/Abstract: Marian Palenker, born in Kraków of Jewish origin, served as a non-commissioned officer during World War I and the Polish-Russian War. In September 1939, after the Battle of Tomaszów Lubelski, he was taken prisoner by the Germans and held in POW camps in Arnswalde and Woldenberg. Palenker presented his experiences in the camp and the correspondence he had with his wife, who was in the Warsaw ghetto at the time. Together with other POWs, he was evacuated to the Oflag in Lübeck at the end of the war, where he was liberated by the British. In 1957, Palenker emigrated to Israel.

  • Issue Year: XXV/2024
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 210-242
  • Page Count: 33
  • Language: Polish
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