Trials with the leadership of the Baptist Brethren Cover Image

Politické procesy s vedením Bratrské jednoty baptistů
Trials with the leadership of the Baptist Brethren

Author(s): Michal Balcar
Subject(s): History of Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Sociology, Political history, Theology and Religion, History of Communism
Published by: Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů
Keywords: staged political showtrials; the communist regime in Czechoslovakia; in the fifties; the files of the State Security (StB); the leadership of the Baptist Brethren;

Summary/Abstract: The subject matter of the following study is a political trial with the leadership of the Baptist Brethren in Czechoslovakia in 1953 with emphasis on the approach of investigators of state secret police (StB). This study proves that the trial began with a coincidence which was misused by StB in order to fulfill political agenda. The study also describes the reaction of the denomination to the arrests of its highest leadership. Surprising chapter in the history of the trial is written by one of the pastors – Jan Mikulenčák – who refused to bow to the pressure of StB. By analyzing the case files the article describes the process of how StB constructed the trial based on searching for the ‚enemy‘ typical for the early 1950s. In this trial, stereotypical roles of ‚priest‘, ‚U.S.A. collaborator‘, and ‚Nazi collaborator‘ were filled.

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 44
  • Page Range: 28-59
  • Page Count: 32
  • Language: Czech
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