Social perspective of sustainable development of the Eastern
Greater Poland – towards the region ecologization and just
transformation Cover Image

Społeczna perspektywa zrównoważonego rozwoju Wielkopolski Wschodniej – w kierunku ekologizacji regionu i sprawiedliwej transformacji
Social perspective of sustainable development of the Eastern Greater Poland – towards the region ecologization and just transformation

Author(s): Anna Lewandowska-Czuła
Subject(s): Economic policy, Environmental and Energy policy, Developing nations
Published by: Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza
Keywords: sustainable development; ecologization the region; just transformation; coal regions; Eastern Greater Poland;

Summary/Abstract: Social-economic transformations have been observed in Poland since 1989, with substan-tial intensity after joining European Union. There are regions, however, with particular developmentpotential not used to its full. The Eastern Greater Poland is an example which as a mining and energyresources area only recently has started its activities towards sustainable development.Recent years have brought a number of strategic documents pointing at the necessity of changesdirected towards climate neutrality and just transformation of that region. Taking the above intoaccount, the article objective is to make analyses and evaluation of social perspective of sustainabledevelopment of the Eastern Greater Poland. A number of strategic documents were analyzed and theregion inhabitants presented their opinions on present and future direction of the area development.The survey indicated a great potential for sustainable development transformation, which is in the in-habitants’ opinions not used properly. They expect social-economic changes in the region, but refusedirect bearing the costs of that transformation. Moreover, just transformation raises their concernand fear of losing. Therefore, the most demanding challenge for the future is to undertake properinformative-promoting actions and ecological education of the inhabitants.

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 72
  • Page Range: 131-152
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Polish
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