Adoption of unmanned, cashierless retail technology
in Croatia: A study on student perceptions
Adoption of unmanned, cashierless retail technology
in Croatia: A study on student perceptions
Author(s): Eszter Szabó-Szentgróti, Petra Kinga Kézai, Szabolcs Rámháp, Blaženka Knežević, Mirjana Pejić-BachSubject(s): Business Economy / Management, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
Keywords: smart retail; cashierless stores; unmanned stores; technology acceptance and use; UTAUT2; PLS-SEM;
Summary/Abstract: Objective: The objective of the article is to examine the technology acceptance of unmanned, cashierlesstechnology. Since 2015, several startups have developed a new technology innovation called unmanned, cash-ierless technology, which has been steadily spreading globally over the past nine years. This study presents ananalysis of user acceptance of this innovation among students in higher education institutions in Croatia.Research Design & Methods: We examined factors influencing attitudes towards cashless transactionswithin the framework of the unified theory of technology acceptance and use (UTAUT2). We developedseven hypotheses based on previous literature and research models. We conducted the research throughan online survey of Croatian students (n=406). We applied variance-based structural equitation modelling(PLS-SEM) to analyse the primary database.Findings: The new trend in smart retail could help retailers to find a new way to improve their competitiveness.Based on our results, most UTAUT2 predictors such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social in-fluence, hedonic motivation, and price sensitivity significantly influence behavioural intention.Implications & Recommendations: This study offers implications for existing research on the new technologyacceptance and contributes to relevant literature on customer behaviour. Given the importance of customer per-ception to improve business performance, the current study has some implications for marketers and retailers.Contribution & Value Added: Investigating the adoption of unmanned, cashless technology, particularly amongGeneration Z, is an important and actual topic. This research can guide stakeholders and policymakers who areplanning to introduce this cashierless technology. Based on the factors analysed, we can identify important andless important factors influencing consumers’ intentions. In this way, we can identify certain preferences of thetarget group analysed and use it as a basis for targeting them (e.g., in a campaign) when opening new stores.
Journal: Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review
- Issue Year: 12/2024
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 115-133
- Page Count: 20
- Language: English