Tunes of an Invitatory Psalm in Bratislava Antiphonary I Cover Image

Nápevy žalmu invitatória v Bratislavskom antifonári I
Tunes of an Invitatory Psalm in Bratislava Antiphonary I

Author(s): Sylvia Urdová
Subject(s): Cultural history, Music, Local History / Microhistory, Middle Ages, Theology and Religion, History of Art
Published by: Ústav hudobnej vedy Slovenskej akadémie vied
Keywords: Bratislava; Slovakia; Hungary; Middle Ages; Office; antiphonary; invitatory; psalm tone; mode; medieval music; Gregorian chant

Summary/Abstract: Fifteenth-century Bratislava Antiphonary I in the library of the Bratislava Chapter is anexceedingly important source for research into the genre of invitatories in the context ofcompletely preserved medieval notated codices in Slovakia. The invitatory psalmodyit contains has not yet been comprehensively discussed in musicological writings. Theantiphonary contains nine invitatory psalm tunes in Messine-Gothic notation on folios208v to 221v. This study contains the results of their research, which focused on their modalclassification and analysis but also paid attention to their occurrence and references in thecontext of other relevant European sources of Offices.

  • Issue Year: 15/2024
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 184-205
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Slovak
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