Sound Recordings of Folk Music at the Institute of Musicology, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Sound Recordings of Folk Music at the Institute of Musicology, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Author(s): Hana UrbancováSubject(s): Music, Ethnohistory, Source Material, History of Art
Published by: Ústav hudobnej vedy Slovenskej akadémie vied
Keywords: ethnomusicology; academic institution; research concepts; field documentation; sound recordings; reel tape collection; contents; functions
Summary/Abstract: The most extensive collection of folk music recordings in Slovakia is situated at the Instituteof Musicology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, in the Department forEthnomusicology. Its core consists of a historical collection of tape recordings from thesecond half of the twentieth century, acquired from all regions of Slovakia and from Slovakenclaves abroad. Today, it is a closed corpus comprising over three thousand five hundredtapes. For the most part, the sound recordings were made by the staff of the institute, whoperformed this documentation work as part of its long-term research projects. In terms oforigin, this internal collection includes two categories of recordings: originals and copies.Initially, the Sound Recordings Collection of Folk Music served scholarly purposes and wasused by the staff of the institute and their collaborators. Gradually, the collection has gainedhistorical value, and interest in it has recently increased not only among scholars but alsoamong the general public.
Journal: Musicologica Slovaca
- Issue Year: 15/2024
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 252-275
- Page Count: 24
- Language: English