From a Progressive Yiddish Writer to an “Apologist for the Hasidic past”: a Brief Novel by Perets Hirshbeyn and Soviet Literature of the late 1920s Cover Image

От прогрессивного представителя литературы на идише до «апологета хасидского прошлого»: краткий роман Переца Гиршбейна c советской литературой конца 1920–х гг
From a Progressive Yiddish Writer to an “Apologist for the Hasidic past”: a Brief Novel by Perets Hirshbeyn and Soviet Literature of the late 1920s

Author(s): Ber Kotlerman
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Perets Hirshbeyn / Peretz Hirshbein; “Krasnaya Niva”; Great Soviet Encyclopedia; Boris Pilnyak; Maxim Gorky; Leonid Andreev; Yiddish Literature

Summary/Abstract: In the spring of 1928, three publications by American prose writer, playwright, and publicist PeretsHirshbeyn (1879–1948) appeared in the Moscow literary and artistic magazine “Krasnaya Niva,” translated fromYiddish into Russian. These included a sketch of life in Japan, impressions of a visit to Tahiti, and a pamphleton South Africa. These publications were intended to serve as a calling card before the writer's extended tourof the USSR in 1928–1929. At the beginning of his literary career, Hirshbeyn, born in the “Pale of Settlement,”published several of his plays in Russian. However, for a decade and a half after leaving the Russian Empire, helost contact with the Russian-speaking reading public. While better known as a talented playwright and havingachieved success on the Russian theater stage, he now intended to maintain his reputation as an internationalpublicist in the eyes of the Soviet public. However, as early as 1932, the Great Soviet Encyclopedia labeled Hirshbeyn“as an exponent of the nationalist bourgeoisie,” an “apologist for the Hasidic past,” and “a singer of thelonely, desperate Jewish intelligentsia.”

  • Issue Year: 12/2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 1-13
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Russian
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