Музеографията на Злати Чалъков или българската класика в експозиционния дизайн
The Museography of Zlati Chalakov or the Bulgarian Classical Art in the Exhibition Design
Author(s): Leonora BonevaSubject(s): Cultural history
Published by: Институт за изследване на изкуствата, Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: The present article attempts at confirming the necessity of certain critical judgment on the museum exhibition designing by suggesting analysis of the works of Zlati Chalakov, one of the most eminent museum interior designers in Bulgaria from the recent past . The most well-articulated of his exhibition decisions have already become classicism in Bulgaria and they are still generally accepted and of present interest . Indeed, his graphic choice to achieve solution by means of red contrasting accents in Georgi Dimitrov Museum in the village of Kovachevtzi, the region of Pernik (set in 1972) reminds some modern commercials . Do we not see how many TV show stages carried out in the recent years appear like coverversions of the 1978 interior design in the Soldiers’ Uprising Museum in Radomir? Is it not amazing that the wall designed in 1972 in the History Museum in Pernik with the heads of the antifascists from the region of Pernik, discussed on the pages of the ICOM issue Museum has its reminiscences in the central inner court of the Museum of the Terror in Budapest, winner of the Year Award of the European Forum Museum for 2002? Or how the multi-leveled exhibition of the Archaeological Museum in Alicante, winner of the same award, this time for 2004, looks like the younger sister of the medieval installation in the Museum in Pleven from 1982? And yet, it is true since Zl .Chalakov, through his extremely effective working period as a museum designer (from early 1960s to early 1990s) revealed his talent and skill in developing the museum exhibition as a communicative system, in placing the authentic objects into an adequate context, created by convincing and powerful, unforgettable pictures . The analysis of this art, actually a fascinating museological undertaking, is just outlined by this article as a problem that waits its further detailed representation .
Journal: Проблеми на изкуството
- Issue Year: 2010
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 7-11
- Page Count: 5
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF