Argumentacja biblijna w wykładzie o „Pozdrowieniu Anielskim” w „Confessio Catholicae Fidei Christiana” Stanisława Hozjusza (1551)
Biblical argumentation in the exposition of the ‘Angelic Salutation’ in Stanislaw Hosius‘s ‘Confessio Catholicae Fidei Christiana’ (1551)
Author(s): Marek KarczewskiSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, History, History of Church(es), Local History / Microhistory, Middle Ages, Biblical studies
Published by: Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Keywords: Hosius; Confessio Catholicae Fidei; Angelic Salutation; Apologetics Counter-Reformation;
Summary/Abstract: The Angelic Salutation in St. Luke’s Gospel gave rise to the main Catholic prayer addressed to Mary. In the context of the broad theological themes contained in the Confessio Catholicae Fidei Christiana (1551), Stanislaw Hosius also included a short lecture on the Angelic Salutation. In it, he pointed out the foundations of Catholic Mariology and the importance of the Hail Mary prayer. The article attempts to analyze the biblical argumentation to which Cardinal Hosius referred and the biblical hermeneutics he used.
Journal: Studia Elbląskie
- Issue Year: 2024
- Issue No: 25
- Page Range: 275-286
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Polish