Czy sztuczna inteligencja może stać się osobą? Wywiad z prof. Thomasem Fuchsem
Can artificial intelligence become a person? Interview with Prof. Thomas Fuchs
Author(s): Józef Kożuchowski, Thomas FuchsSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Philosophy, Education, Psychology, Metaphysics, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Religion and science , Distance learning / e-learning
Published by: Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Keywords: Thomas Fuchs; artificial intelligence; person; personal entity;
Summary/Abstract: The question of whether artificial intelligence can acquire the status of a person is raised more than once. This is not coincidental. For, on the one hand, we increasingly conceive of ourselves in the likeness of machines and, on the other, we elevate machines and devices to the status of new entities . But does this trend have a rational justification? The answer should be a proper understanding of personal being. In the classical view (St Thomas Aquinas, Immanuel Kant), a person is always someone and not something. A person is an autonomous being, a self-existent subject (substance) of rational nature. It always exists in itself and not in some other being or its power. A person is a subject and, at the same time, the bearer of peculiar, unique qualities inherent only in him or her (rationality, freedom, self-awareness, the ability to make decisions), although he or she is always more than these qualities, i.e. he or she is never reduced to them . Naturally, an essential component of the human person is corporeality. For the human person is realised in the body . In the context of such an understanding of personal being, is it still possible to doubt how the status of artificial intelligence is to be understood (what it is)? The answers of the eminent representative of contemporary German philosophy and medicine, Professor Thomas Fuchs (Heidelberg University), contained in this interview, provide valuable clarification and an interesting source of information in this regard.
Journal: Studia Elbląskie
- Issue Year: 2024
- Issue No: 25
- Page Range: 579-585
- Page Count: 7
- Language: Polish