Neuropsychological profile of women with substance-related disorders under treatment in a drug dependence unit Cover Image

Neuropsychological profile of women with substance-related disorders under treatment in a drug dependence unit
Neuropsychological profile of women with substance-related disorders under treatment in a drug dependence unit

Author(s): Adolfo Pinon Blanco, Maria Casanueva Fernndez, Tania Torres Rincn, Olga Gutierrez Martinez, Manuela Fontanillo, Pilar Dominguez Gonzalez, Esperanza Vergara Moragues, Enrique Velazquez Justo, Francisco Otero Lamas
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Substance abuse and addiction, Health and medicine and law
Published by: MedCrave Group Kft.
Keywords: females; gender; cognitive impairment; executive functions; neuropsychological assessment; dual pathology;

Summary/Abstract: This study aims to describe the neuropsychological profile of a clinical sample of drug - dependent women to treatment in a drug dependency. A battery of neuropsychological evaluation was applied to an intentional sample composed of 25 drug-dependent women with subjective complaints of attention and / or memory, who were referred to the area of neuropsychology of the Drug Dependency Unit of the Concello de Vigo CEDRO (Galicia, Spain). The scores related to the cognitive / executive functioning of the sample are indicative of difficulties in visuospatial processing speed (M = 43.79, SD = 14.88), in the selective attention (M = 35.91, DT = 25.06) and alternating (M = 30.36, DT = 33.70) and in the executive components of inhibition (UPPS-Negative Affect, M = 1.45, UPPS-Positive Affect, M = 1.31) and TMT flexibility (M = 43.79, DT = 14.88). Neuropsychological exploration helps identify cognitive difficulties in the cognitive and executive processes of the patients that may affect the interventions performed.

  • Issue Year: 7/2017
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 1-7
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: English
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