Changes in the sown area, yields and harvests of main crops and the use of selected means of production in Polish agriculture over the years 2011–2021 Cover Image

Zmiany w powierzchni zasiewów, plonach i zbiorach ważniejszych roślin uprawnych oraz zużycie wybranych środków produkcji w polskim rolnictwie na przestrzeni lat 2011–2021
Changes in the sown area, yields and harvests of main crops and the use of selected means of production in Polish agriculture over the years 2011–2021

Author(s): Wacław Jarecki
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economic development
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: plant production; cultivation area; yield; harvest; fertilizers; plant protection products; certified seed

Summary/Abstract: In Poland, crop production is developing dynamically, which is influenced by natural, economic and social conditions. The measurable effect of this is the change in the sown area, yields and harvests of the main crops. Based on data from the Central Statistical Office, it was shown that in the years 2011–2021 the national sown area of wheat, triticale, rapeseed and sugar beet increased. The largest reduction in the area of cultivation concerned cereal mixtures, rye, barley and potatoes. In the analyzed period, the yields of all analyzed crops increased. As a result, the harvests of the most important crops were characterized by high dynamics of changes. An increase in harvests was recorded for wheat and sugar beet and, to a lesser extent, for triticale, rapeseed and oats. The harvest of potatoes and cereal mixtures decreased significantly, which also concerned barley and rye. In the years 2011–2020, the use of calcium and potassium fertilizers increased, and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers decreased slightly. In the analyzed period, the sales of plant protection products increased, mainly fungicides and seed dressings, and the sales of triticale, wheat and rye certified seed material increased significantly, and in recent years, seed potatoes.

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 30
  • Page Range: 207-225
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Polish
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