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The Life and Works of Josephus

Author(s): Steve Mason
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, History of ideas, Theology and Religion, Ancient Philosphy, Biblical studies, Hermeneutics, History of Religion
Published by: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Nakladatelství Karolinum
Keywords: Josephus; Judean War; Antiquities; Josephusʼ Life; Contra Apionem

Summary/Abstract: The works of Josephus (37 – ca. 100 CE) have been extensively cited ever since he wrote them. Strangely enough, however, hardly any of his many users, prior to the 1980s, asked basic questions about the structures, themes, and audiences of these compositions – about what he meant to convey, using his typical language, rhetoric, and contexts guides. Yet how can we use his material if we do not know what he meant by it? This essay provides a brief orientation to Josephus’ life and to reading his works as intelligent compositions. It is not meant to be definitive on any point, but it provides enough documentation that readers may further investigate these questions without limit, for their own purposes.

  • Issue Year: 30/2024
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 146-172
  • Page Count: 27
  • Language: Czech
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