Adult education in the Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography. Behavioural and cognitive practices Cover Image
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Educația adulților în Muzeul Etnografic al Transilvaniei. Practici comportamentale și cognitive
Adult education in the Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography. Behavioural and cognitive practices

Author(s): Monica Cristian, Daniela TOADER, Dana Câmpean, Dana Maria Câmpean
Subject(s): Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Cultural Essay, Editorial
Keywords: adult education; Erasmus+; identity; motivation; communication

Summary/Abstract: The role of museums has changed overtime. From places that only catered to the elites of the society, museums have become educators, community catalysts, places of entertainment and discovery that needs to address all members of society. As such they must find new ways to communicate with different communities, individuals.The study of visitor behavior can offer valuable insight into what motivates someone to visit the museum. The motivations for museum visits may be categorized into: social and recreational, educational, self-fulfilling, cultural, evocative of awe and reverence and restorative. Knowing the visitor’s motivations helps the museum design custom-made experiences to suit the different needs of individuals.One of the main roles of the Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania is to promote and emphasize the importance of Transylvania’s cultural heritage. Keeping the attention on the visitor’s behavior helps experts to analyze the existing data and develop new ways to quantify the visitors’ motivations. To reach a wider audience the cultural offer created by the museum is becoming more diverse than it was in the past.

  • Issue Year: II/2024
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 59-68
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Romanian
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