Prepositional-Case Constructions with the Meaning of Space
in the Polish Dialect of the Inhabitants of Vershina Village in Siberia Cover Image

Konstrukcje przyimkowe ze znaczeniem przestrzennym w polskiej gwarze mieszkańców wsi Wierszyna na Syberii
Prepositional-Case Constructions with the Meaning of Space in the Polish Dialect of the Inhabitants of Vershina Village in Siberia

Author(s): Adam Jaskólski
Subject(s): Sociolinguistics, Western Slavic Languages
Published by: Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: bilingualism; language contact; interference; Polish dialect; Russian language; language island; Poles in Siberia;

Summary/Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present the prepositional-case constructions with themeaning of space that are used in the Polish dialect of the inhabitants of the EastSiberian village of Vershina, founded in 1910 by voluntary settlers from various partsof Lesser Poland. In a foreign cultural and linguistic environment, they have pre-served their native dialect, a conglomerate of various southern Polish dialects, to thisday. However, over time, the influence of the Russian language on their language in-creased, which mainly concerns the lexical and syntactic system. The analysis of thecollected linguistic material has shown that, on the one hand, the dialect of Vershinapreserved prepositions characteristic of southern Polish dialects. On the other hand,a number of prepositional-case constructions with the meaning of space were alsoobserved, the use of which in the analysed utterances should be considered a result ofthe influence of the Russian language, which is a typical phenomenon in a situationof language contact.

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 48
  • Page Range: 1-20
  • Page Count: 20
  • Language: Polish
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