„Niechże świat wie…”. Korespondencja Emila Zegadłowicza i żydowskich uczennic gimnazjum Zofii Rozenfeldowej w Warszawie (1937–1939)
“Let the world know…”. Correspondence between Emil Zegadłowicz and Jewish female students of Zofia Rozenfeld Gymnasium in Warsaw
Author(s): Mirosław WójcikSubject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Media studies, Studies of Literature, Communication studies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Keywords: autobiography; Emil Zegadłowicz; Zofia Rozenfeld Gymnasium; correspondence; autobiographical testimony
Summary/Abstract: In this article, I present the correspondence Emil Zegadłowicz (1888–1941) carried out between 1937 and 1939 with the so-called “Trzydziestka” [Thirty], i.e. a group of Jewish female students of Zofia Rozenfeld’s gymnasium in Warsaw who collaborated with the “Small Review”. In order to reconstruct the history of this contact, I use letters found in the archives, previously unpublished, of both the writer’s teenage correspondents and their tutor Felicja Wermusówna. The surviving letters of “Trzydziestka” are dominated by environmental motifs, but there is also no lack of reflections of a general human nature, often encountered motifs are a longing for the order of biology, nature contrasted with urbanism, pessimism flowing from observation of the immediate environment of the inhabitants of the Jewish neighborhoods of Warsaw, and a feeling of horror, generated by growing fascism and increasingly common manifestations of anti-Semitism, concern for the fate of the Jewish people, a protest against people’s indifference, the loss of the ideals of brotherhood and the glorification of Truth and Friendship.
Journal: Autobiografia Literatura Kultura Media
- Issue Year: 23/2024
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 63-74
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Polish