Religious Endowments of the Muslim Community in Pirot Nahiye (Şehirköy) during 1570/1571 Cover Image

Верске задужбине муслимана нахије Пирот (Шехиркој) 1570/1571. године
Religious Endowments of the Muslim Community in Pirot Nahiye (Şehirköy) during 1570/1571

Author(s): Dragana Amedoski, Srđan Katić
Subject(s): History
Published by: Istorijski institut, Beograd
Keywords: vaqf; Pirot; Şehirköy; 16th Century; Ottoman Empire; mosque; hammâm.

Summary/Abstract: Subsequent to Ottoman conquering, Pirot started to get the appearance of oriental settlement. This makeover was occurring primarily through religious endowments – vaqfs established by sovereigns or eminent persons. Turkish name of the town - Şehirköy implicates that there was a centre of Dervish order. The introduction of the paper states the retrospective to Pirot vaqfs as of Ottoman conquering until the end of the 16th Century. The oldest Islamic religious object in Pirot most likely was the mosque build by Sultan Murât I Hüdavendigâr (1362-1389), right after first conquest of the town (1385). Kilârcıbaşı Halîl Beğ was one of the endowers, through whose vaqfs the town attained mescid, hammâm, kerâvan-sarây, 10 dükkâns and the bridge over the river Nišava. One of the town’s mahalles was named after his mescid. Another eminent local person was Ahmed b. Рîr Angi, most likely descendent of dervish. He had errected the mescid and the bridge together with endownig few dükkâns. Certain Sârûca who was subaşa is also named among endowers from Pirot. His vaqf included one mill. During the period between twenties and midforties the endowment activities in the town perished, since then non of the vaqfs was not founded. At the same time, it implicates stagnation and collapse of the town. Until 1570, only one vaqf was established in Pirot, Solak Nasûhʼs vaqf, with town fountain within. During that period new town mahalle was established in Pirot, formed around newly built mosque of Iskender Beğ b. Ibrâhîm. Translation of previously unknown Ottoman registry of vaqfs in Pirot nâhiye from 1570/71 is conveyed in the attachment.

  • Issue Year: 2014
  • Issue No: 35
  • Page Range: 7-18
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Serbian
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