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Mass Media and the Reconfiguration of the Public Sphere
Mass Media and the Reconfiguration of the Public Sphere

Author(s): Andreea Elena Cârstea
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Editura Universitatii din Oradea
Keywords: media public space; television; debate; democracy

Summary/Abstract: It has been argued that the changes produced at the level of communication channels and means strongly influenced and constantly influence the configuration of the public space. Starting from Habermas’ model of public sphere, I intend to find out how the reality of a more and more technologized society determines reconfigurations, redefinitions, diversifications and fragmentations of the public space. The role mass media plays in this equation is highly controversial and there are discussions underlining both positive and negative effects provoked by the mass communication means to debate and free exchange of opinions in the public space. On the one hand, it is obvious for everyone that mass media and new media contribute essentially to the exceeding of the territorial borders and to a more wide-ranging access to information and arenas of discussions and debates, but, on the other hand, the commodification and the commercialization introduced by mass media and the politics’ intrusion in information diffusion tend to transform the real debate into a simulated debate. In this context, it has been reasoned that the only possibility to preserve a real debate and to favor equitable information is to maintain a free and open mass media able to ensure the diversity and pluralism of expressed opinions and points of view.

  • Issue Year: 4/2012
  • Issue No: Suppl.
  • Page Range: 124-132
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: English
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