The quality of social reseach in Serbia after 1990 Cover Image

Istraživanja u društvenim naukama u Srbiji posle 1990. godine
The quality of social reseach in Serbia after 1990

Author(s): Dušan Pavlović, Branko Urošević
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Fakultet političkih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu & Fakultet političkih znanosti u Zagrebu
Keywords: Academic research; incentives for academic research; academic journals; selection of university professors.

Summary/Abstract: The paper explains why the quality of social reseach in Serbia is low. We show that low international competitiveness of the Serbian social science research can be found in the system of perverse incentives that rewards social scientists to put minimal effort to advance on academic ladder and do the research. This can be seen in small number of works and papers published in internationally recognized and prestigious academic journals and rare participation at international conferences and gatherings. Low competitiveness is a consequence of descriptivity in reasearch; retelling other authors's theories, avoidance of quantitaive research; rare application of theoretical paradigms; misunderstanding of theories, recycling of one's own but also others's works, usage of old syllabi in teaching, and a perverse system of teacher selection that is designed to select average students for TAs and university professors. We offer several recommendation to improve the situation.

  • Issue Year: 3/2013
  • Issue No: 08
  • Page Range: 103-128
  • Page Count: 26
  • Language: Serbian
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