Konstitucija olhokratije
Constitution of Olchocracy
Author(s): Nikola SamardžićSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava u Srbiji
Keywords: constitution; Serbia;
Summary/Abstract: Serbia presently suffers from political schizophrenia that somewhat touches on the confusion, real or imaginary, of her epic hero, Marko Kraljevic. Feeling helpless and with nothing better to do this temporarily rebellious vassal set himself to demolish the Sultan’s road. As it turns out, he was actually after better nestling himself in the arms of his mother to whom he appears to be pathologically close and the Sultan who is still his master. Serbia’s ruling elite behaves about the same. As if when deciding to ignore democratic principles and impose yet another political...
Journal: Helsinška povelja
- Issue Year: 2006
- Issue No: 099-100
- Page Range: 9-10
- Page Count: 2
- Language: Serbian