Structural Interdependencies in the Slovak Economy Based on Input-output Analysis Cover Image

Štrukturálne súvislosti slovenskej ekonomiky na báze input-output analýzy
Structural Interdependencies in the Slovak Economy Based on Input-output Analysis

Author(s): Mikuláš Luptáčik, Martin Lábaj, Daniela Rumpelová
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Ekonomický ústav SAV a Prognostický ústav SAV
Keywords: Leontief model; input-output tables; structural analysis

Summary/Abstract: The overall economic performance is determined by structures and interde-pendencies between different sectors of the economy. To analyze these direct and undirect relations that are not visible at the first glance we use the open static Leontief model. After explaining the methodology and necessary database we analyze the interdependencies in the Slovak economy based on input-output ta-bles. We evaluate the impacts of final consumption components on total produc-tion, employment, value added and imports. To analyze the effects of final consumption we computed the output multiplicator, employment multiplicator, value added multiplicator and import multiplicator. The conclusions are also compared with chosen developed countries.

  • Issue Year: 56/2008
  • Issue No: 05
  • Page Range: 477-494
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Slovak
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