Trentowski o mesjanistach, socjalistach, komunistach, ateistach i masonach, czyli o tych, którzy chcą zmieniać świat
Trentowski on messianists, socialists, communists, atheists and masoners – on these who want to change the world
Author(s): Andrzej NowickiSubject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Stowarzyszenie Filozofów Krajów Słowiańskich
Summary/Abstract: In the system of sciences – according to Trentowski – history has as its subject the past, politics – the present and “socyalistyka” – a society which does not exist yet. Those who see the world in aspect of its being what it should be, Trentowski called “przespołeczniaczami” and he counted among them mesianists, socialists, communists, atheists and mansoners like Babeuf, brothers Bauers, Bayrhoffer, Cabet, Considérant, Feuerbach, Fourier, Freiligrath, Grün, Owen, Proudhon, Ruge, Saint-Simon, Stirner, Strauss, Venedey, Weitling and “a hundred times reder than Hegel” Mickiewicz. What had been written about them shed light on Trentowski’s interest and hidden symphaties. But the researcher didin’t pay attantion to it because it didn’t harmonize with their interpretations.
Journal: ΣΟΦΙΑ. Pismo Filozofów Krajów Słowiańskich
- Issue Year: 2007
- Issue No: 7
- Page Range: 143-168
- Page Count: 26
- Language: Polish