Factor Structure of Rules in Friendship Relationships and Their Relations with Personality Traits Cover Image

Faktorska struktura pravila u prijateljskim vezama i njihova povezanost s osobinama ličnosti
Factor Structure of Rules in Friendship Relationships and Their Relations with Personality Traits

Author(s): Denis Bratko, Goran Bubaš
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar
Keywords: friendship relationships; interpersonal rules; factor analysis; five-factor model of personality

Summary/Abstract: Positive friendship relationships are connected to the psychological well-being and social adjustment of an individual. Relationship quality in friendships is influenced by the rules that participants use in the interaction with their partners. This paper presents the research of the factor structure of rules in friendship relationships. Based on the previous research of other authors and the process of collecting rules that young adults use in their friendship relationships, the IR-1 questionnaire with statements/rules was developed and then applied on subjects (N=501) in the age of early adulthood. Factor analysis revealed five dimensions of rules in friendship relationships that were labeled benevolence, sociability, appropriateness, self-control, and self-directedness. These dimensions of interpersonal rules were compared with the results of research of other authors in the field of friendship relationships and social competence. The NEO PI-R inventory that measures the personality dimensions according to the five-factor model of personality was also applied on a smaller subset of subjects (N=114). Many statistically significant correlations were uncovered between the dimensions of interpersonal rules, on the one side, and the personality dimensions and their facets, on the other side, and most of them were related to extraversion and agreeableness.

  • Issue Year: 16/2007
  • Issue No: 92
  • Page Range: 1175-1199
  • Page Count: 25
  • Language: Croatian
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