The Italian Administration in Çameri in the Year 1917 Cover Image
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Administrimi Italian në Çamëri në vitit 1917
The Italian Administration in Çameri in the Year 1917

Author(s): Agron Alibali
Subject(s): History
Published by: Qendra e Studimeve Albanologjike
Keywords: Italian Administration ; Çameri ; 1917 ; Albania; Albanian History;

Summary/Abstract: During the years 1949-1960 the Alban ian statç i~sued ilnportallt la\\'~ and decisions \vhich aillled at the fUI1her developlllenl of education and culture. -The Inain link for the developlnent of education \vas the cOlnpulsory prilllary educatioll. The la\\ cOlllpelled the children of the age frolll 7 to lOto go to the prilllary school. The parent~ \\/ho did not send the children to school \vere obliged ta pa:, a tine of400-) 000 lekë (tht: leks ofthat tillle). The taken 1l1eaSUres Illade to function '2 023 prinlary schools in the school year 1950-1951 frequented by 150 819 pupils or 99.9°'0 of the enrolled pupils. \Vhile in the year 1960 the Illll11ber ofthe schools anlOlulted to '2 390 \vith 190 272 pupils. The seven year education at the beginning \\'15 not cOlllpulsory. Ils frequentation was at the \vi Il of the parents and \vas based on the propaganda 1l1eaSUres ofthe state. Pal1 ofthe pupils. especially in the village. \vent a\vay fl"Olll scl1ool. In June 1952 \vas issued the decree of the Popular Asselllbly on the cOlnpulsory education. The decree played an illlportant role for the gro\\'th of the nUlllber of schools and pupils of this link ofthe education. Seven year schools \vere opened in every village \vhere \vere assecured at least 25 pupils. After the decree of the year 1952 \vere opened on the average 20 schools pel' year \vhich \vere frequented by about 46.3~/o of the pupi Is tenninating the prinlary education. In the second half ofthe years SO-ies the rhythlllS of construction of the seven year schools and of the nUlllber of pupils in thelll beconle proportioned.

  • Issue Year: 2001
  • Issue No: 03-04
  • Page Range: 057-077
  • Page Count: 21
  • Language: Albanian
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