"And in Most Cases I’m Not Myself": a Phenomenological Analysis of Experience in Persons with Primary Headaches Cover Image

"А у већини случајева нисам ја": феноменолошка анализа искустава особа које пате од примарних главобоља
"And in Most Cases I’m Not Myself": a Phenomenological Analysis of Experience in Persons with Primary Headaches

Author(s): Anika Jugović Spajić
Subject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Центар за хуманистичке науке »Синтезис«
Keywords: pain; headache; cultural phenomenology; embodiment; self; space; time

Summary/Abstract: This paper explores the ways in which the experience of pain in patients of a specialized clinical unit for headache treatment is influencing the process of creating the self. Theoretically embedded in cultural phenomenology of the body, I am observing pain as an embodied experience, which transcends the Cartesian dualism of mind and body. I am examining pain as a physical, as well as an emotional phenomenon, and in that sense, I am looking at those two levels of existence as mutually interwoven and inseparable. By reflecting on the questions of verbalization of pain, as well as the influence of pain experience on the understanding of space and time, I examined the ways in which the headache becomes one of the key factors of perception for my informants. I concluded that pain indeed influences my informants’ (inter)subjectivities by creating multiple realities of the self, as well as by changing the way in which they experience time and space.

  • Issue Year: IV/2012
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 157-173
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Serbian
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