The issue of secrecy of M. Iunius Brutus and C. Cassius Longinus’s conspiracy Cover Image

Kwestia tajności sprzysiężenia M. Juniusza Brutusa i G. Kasjusza Longinusa
The issue of secrecy of M. Iunius Brutus and C. Cassius Longinus’s conspiracy

Author(s): Norbert Rogosz
Subject(s): History
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego

Summary/Abstract: The issue of secrecy of conspiracy organised against C. Iulius Caesar by M. Iunius Brutus and G. Cassius Longinus, the consequence of which was murdering the dictator on March 15 44 B.C, is dealt with by the author from two different perspectives. Firstly, he discusses the very actions of conspirators, the aim of which was to hide their moves, as well as favourable factors and circumstances. Thus, he accentuates the masking actions taken by them, a careful choice of participants of the involvement into a conspiracy, its organization in two stages, a careful planning of the attempt on the dictator and a well-thought choice of place for its realization. He also emphasizes the dullness of Caesar’s diligence as well as that of politicians loyal to him, the use of some of his actions, his self-confidence, lack of suspicion, gentleness, resignation from the services of qualified security, ignoring warnings or getting allies from his closest environment. Secondly, the author presents the factors and circumstances that did not allow for keeping the very involvement into a conspiracy secret. He shows both the ones that got out of control, and those they did not influence. All of them could be the reason why the information on the conspiracy came out and unmasked it. In this context, he pays attention to the role of ominous signs sent to Caesar from gods, predictions and the results of offering made that were not beneficial for him, a big number of conspirators, a wide circle of their loved ones, friends, acquaintances and servants, ass well as a hasty, especially in the last weeks, development of conspiracy and, which may be connected with the choice of his final scenario ― delaying the moment of murdering the dictator. The result of the considerations conducted is the conclusion that it is difficult to speak of the secrecy of the conspiracy organised by M. Iunius Brutus and C. Cassius Longinus against Caesar in an explicit way. The success of the attempt, in the light of leak of information on an intended murder of the dictator, was to a large extent, the result of a happy coincidence rather than the effect of keeping the secret by the conspirators.

  • Issue Year: 8/2011
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 9-35
  • Page Count: 27
  • Language: Polish
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