Credinţa şi filozofia de viaţă la Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur şi Martin Heidegger
Faith and philosophy of life at St. John Chrysostom and Martin Heidegger
Author(s): Ioan VlaşinSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion
Published by: Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă Alba Iulia
Keywords: philosophy; faith; St. John Chrysostom; Heidegger; Truth; communion; death
Summary/Abstract: Faith and philosophy of life at St. John Chrysostom and Martin Heidegger. The access to authenticity in Heidegger's philosophy begins with being-toward-death. And by death, God shut the door of corruption and opened the gate of human collaboration to his own creation. St. John Chrysostom tells us that we cannot face death but only if we take Jesus Christ as an ally, so we can say that Heidegger's philosophy has a Christian basis. Thus, being a silent explanation with Christianity, philosophy of Heidegger, may return a clear solution of world output, need for renaissance. Until man decides free to follow Christ, he should get out of this world’s spell, and a good guide is Heidegger. The struggle with the passions and unfortunately that belong to the world is less than world output. He reveals including how to the world’s spell extends through speech. Analyzing St. John’s discourse we discover its authenticity, the fact that is bears responsibility and full care, and especially the art of returning care to his listeners, surrending them of world’s concerns. From the study we observed a shift towards individual salvation of the Church (love available to individual) and forgetting its mission to bring people to the brotherly love and fellowship (individual available to love).
Journal: Altarul Reîntregirii
- Issue Year: XV/2010
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 63-100
- Page Count: 38
- Language: Romanian