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Cărţi spaniole în spaţiul românesc din secolul XVIII
Spanish books on the Romanian territory in the 18th century

Author(s): Oana Andreia Sâmbrian
Subject(s): Cultural history
Published by: Editura Mega Print SRL
Keywords: cultural spaces; interferences; Spanish influence; Spanish volumes

Summary/Abstract: Constantin Cantacuzino is an interesting person who was in the possession of an impressive library that was considered an interesting subject of research both for Romanians, as well as foreigners such as Italian Marco Ruffini. The books of High stewards’ library also included some works written by Spanish authors on main themes such as philosophy, theology and medicine. Two volumes on philosophical issues that comprise Aristotles’ works annoted by Arab Averroes of Cordoba – who was born in Andalusia in 1126 – distinguish themselves among the printed works upon philosophy. The books found in High stewards’ library were the following ones: Quartum volumen Aristotelis De physico auditu. Libri octo cum Averroes variis in eosdem comentariis şi Stagiritae Peripateticorum principis universam illam scientiam complectens, quam Methaphysicam covant vel sapientiam, quattuordecim digestam libris. The Spanish philosophy was represented in the Romanian humanist’s library by the work entitled Commentaria et quaestiones in duos libros Aristotelis Stagiritae de generatione et corruptione, a work written by the Dominican monk Domenico Bánez, and published by Giunta typographers in Venice, in 1596. We have to mention the fact that Domenico Bánez was Saint Teresa of Ávila’s confessor who was the author of a wonderful mystical work. Father Francisco Murcia de Llana’s work, Selecta circa libros Aristotelis de Coelo – printed in Ingolstadt, in 1621 – became part of High stewards’ library after the siege of Vienna. The author taught at the University of Alcalá de Henares. Medicine is represented by the work of a Spanish-Jewish man: Abraham Abenhezra and his work, De luminaribus et diebus criticis. It contains multiple signs of Constantin Cantacuzion’s reading. Among the collections of letters, we might mention Scelta di lettere italiane, spagnole e francesi de diversi classici autori, a Neapolitan edition of 1699 that is set up of epistles and official writings issued by the Court or government. The most well represented category is that of theology. We found books written by Jesuit, Dominican and Franciscan monks. Prediche per le Domeniche dell'avvento was published in Venice in 1658, and belongs to the Spanish preacher Emmanuel Naxera. He was born in 1623 and became a Theology teacher at the University of Alcalá de Henares. He was also a Politics teacher in Madrid. Naxerra initially published his volume of sermons Panegíricos en los festividades de varos Santos in Madrid, in 1648 and 1649. The most antique of all books in High stewards’ library – date of printing was taken into account – is the work written by the Catalonian Father Petrus Ioannes Perpinanus with regard to the Jesuit oratory, and entitled Orationes duodeviginti. It was published at Ingolstadt in 1582.

  • Issue Year: 12/2008
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 52-59
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Romanian
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