Badania nad teodyceą indywidu- alną. O konieczności spotkania teologii i nauk społecznych na polu empirii
Research on Individual Theodicy. On the Necessity of Combining Perspectives of Theology and Social Sciences in Empirical Research
Author(s): Emilia Wrocławska-WarchalaSubject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: teodycea; doświadczenia negatywne; teologia empiryczna; psychologia narracyjna; theodicy; evil; negative experiences; empirical theology; narrative psychology
Summary/Abstract: this paper I would like to show, how theology, sociology and psychology may contribute to understanding of personal theodicy. I present the research project on theodicy, in which combined perspectives of theology (theoretical as well as empirical), sociology and psychology enabled to differentiate a new list of 12 theodicy models constructed by Catholics and Lutherans confronted with negative experiences. With the use of qualitative and quantitative psychological tools, all models were compared as regards the type of negative experience that may be put within the frame of meaning they offer and emotional consequences this may evoke. In the paper I present the research strategies and inspirations used in my research, concentrating on the examples of selected theodicy models.
Journal: Stan Rzeczy
- Issue Year: 2013
- Issue No: 5
- Page Range: 185-214
- Page Count: 30
- Language: Polish