Strategii discursive ale extremei drepte în presa bănăţeană interbelică: cazul publicaţiei "Svastica Banatului"
Discursive strategies of extreme right in the interwar press from Banat. The "Banat Swastika" publication case
Author(s): Mihai Adrian PanuSubject(s): History
Published by: Editura Academiei Române
Keywords: discursive strategies; extreme-right movement; interwar period; press in the Banat; discourse analysis
Summary/Abstract: The interwar period represents an important historical interval for the Romanian socio-political configuration of the 20th century. The multicultural character of the Romanian society after the Great Union in 1918 was seriously affected by the gradual ascension of right radical movements, especially in ethnic heterogenous regions, such as Banat. The major assumption of this analysis is that nationalism in interwar Romania was considerably influenced by the use of discursive strategies. This paper attempts to answer the following question: Which were the main discursive strategies used by the extreme-right movement in the interwar Banat press ? In this respect, the dynamic and the instances of nationalism in interwar Romania, especially in the region of Banat, represent the conceptual framework of this paper. Nevertheless the analysis is focused on the precise case of discourse strategies used in the Banat press. Therefore an important part of the paper is dedicated to the case study concerning the publication considered to be the most emblematic for the extreme-right movement in the Banat: the periodical "Svastica Banatului".
Journal: Anuarul Institutului de Istorie »George Bariţiu« - Series HISTORICA
- Issue Year: L/2011
- Issue No: 50
- Page Range: 141-153
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Romanian