From pagan nostalgia to neo-pagan revolution: Belarusian and Polish culture of the first half of the XX century in search of national identity Cover Image

Ад паганскай настальгіі да неапаганскай рэвалюцыі: беларуская і польская культура першай паловы XX стагоддзя ў пошуках нацыянальнай ідэнтычнасці
From pagan nostalgia to neo-pagan revolution: Belarusian and Polish culture of the first half of the XX century in search of national identity

Author(s): Iryna Mikheyeva
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: national and cultural revival; ethnonational identity; nationalism; Pan-Slavism; neopaganism

Summary/Abstract: The article deals with a comparative analysis of philosophical and political projects of Belarusian (Vatslav Lastovsky) and Poland (Jan Stahnyuk) national renascence. Carried out a number of philosophical-methodological and political-ideologi­- cal parallels in the positions of V. Lastovovsky and J. Stahnyuk within two content and thematic blocks: models of national history and projects of national revival. The author of this article draws attention to finding the both projects in the paradigm of the conservative-traditional searches of ethnic and national identity, their obviously nationalistic character and an internal inconsistency in the views of philosophers, romanticization of the national history, calling for the risky socio-political experiments. On the basis of a theoretical reconstruction of the meaningful problem-field of both the concepts – “Krivich Renascence” and “Slavish Pan-Humanism” – the article reveals the similarities and differences in the authors’ interpretations of the essence of national culture, the specifics of its development stages, the prospects for the realization of the historic mission of the Belarusian and Polish peoples.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 35
  • Page Range: 171-188
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Belarusian
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