Ekonometryczna weryfikacja efektu aglomeracji netto w gospodarce polskiej w latach 2000–2005
Econometric Verification of Net Agglomeration Effect in Poland, 2000–2005
Author(s): Anna Myślińska, Adrian BurdziakSubject(s): Economy
Published by: EUROREG - Uniwersytet Warszawski, Regional Studies Association - Sekcja Polska
Keywords: net agglomeration effect; economic activity; econometric methods
Summary/Abstract: The authors put a hypothesis of positive net agglomeration effect in Polish subregions in 2000–2005. The net agglomeration effect is a relatively new theory explaining spatial differences in economic activity. A production concentration function suggested by Ciccone and Hall is used in analysis. The hypothesis was verified with econometric methods. Multiple scenarios gave ambiguous results. Panel methods appeared to be ineffective, as opposed to pool methods. Cumulated number of patents was used as an approximation of the level of technical development. Among pool scenarios, domestic patents allowed to reduce problems connected with co-relation of explanatory variables. This approach gives conclusions about positive net agglomeration effect.
Journal: Studia Regionalne i Lokalne
- Issue Year: 9/2008
- Issue No: 32
- Page Range: 72-91
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Polish