Žít a cítit: české konceptuální paralely
“To live”, “to feel”: conceptual parallels in Czech – summary
Author(s): Irena VaňkováSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: jazykový obraz světa; kognitivní sémantika; fenomenologie; žít a cítit; významové profily; linguistic picture of the world; cognitive semantics; phenomenology; living and feeling; semantic profiles
Summary/Abstract: Assuming the framework of cognitive semantics and the theory of language as a certain view of the world, the contribution focuses on some aspects of the Czech conceptual domains ŽÍT (‘to live’), and CÍTIT (‘to feel,’ ‘to be sensitive,’ ‘to be sensible’). The paper aims at uncovering some of the relations between these domains, particularly from the perspective of phenomenological reflection. The first part is dedicated to the conceptualization of life, especially in its relation to feeling and perception. In the second part, some relevant semantic data concerning the verbs cítit and bdít (including etymology, phraseology, and typical collocations) from Czech dictionaries are analyzed. In the third part, semantic profiles of the Czech verb cítit are sketched out.
Journal: Prace Filologiczne
- Issue Year: 64/2014
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 295-312
- Page Count: 18
- Language: Czech