An Outline of the Position of Political Science in Serbia after 1989 Cover Image

Skica stanja političke nauke u Srbiji posle 1989. godine
An Outline of the Position of Political Science in Serbia after 1989

Author(s): Dušan Pavlović
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Hrvatsko politološko društvo
Keywords: political science in Serbia; history of political science as a discipline in Serbia; political science and other social sciences

Summary/Abstract: The paper lays out an interpretation which could help political science in Serbia to: (a) establish itself as an independent academic discipline with a specific subject matter and method, and (b) get into line with the trends, approaches and methods which are currently predominant in American and European political science, required by the so called Bologna reform. The paper advances the thesis that the current understanding of political science in Serbia lacks concepts, notions, paradigms and approaches stemming from methodological individualism, rational choice theory, social constructivism and new institutionalism in social sciences. The paper outlines the way in which these concepts and paradigms can be included in the political science curriculum and research.

  • Issue Year: 2008
  • Issue No: 05
  • Page Range: 79-91
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Croatian
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