Problematyka małżeństw mieszanych katolicko-ewangelickich oraz konwersje na Mazurach w latach 1850–1960
Issues of mixed Catholic-Lutheran marriages and conversions on Masuria in years 1850–1960
Author(s): Emir KasprzyckiSubject(s): Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: chrzest; emigracja; ewangelicy; katolicy; konwersja; Kościół ewangelicki; Kościół katolicki; małżeństwa mieszane; Mazury; baptism; emigration; protestants; Catholics; conversion; Protestant Church; Catholic Church; Masuria; mixed marriage
Summary/Abstract: Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą przedstawienia problematyki współistnienia dwóch społeczności wyznaniowych na terenie Mazur na przełomie XIX i XX w. Szczególnej analizie poddane zostaną małżeństwa mieszane, zawierane przez przedstawicieli obydwu społeczności oraz związane z tym zjawisko zmiany wyznania (konwersji). Celem autora jest uchwycenie zmian we wzajemnych ewangelicko-katolickich relacjach w kontekście zmieniającej się sytuacji politycznej i demograficznej. W dalszej części podjęta zostanie próba analizy socjologicznej zachodzących zjawisk i ich wpływu na rozpad społeczności ewangelickich Mazurów. A church reform introduced in East Prussia in 1525 brought the change of current religious relationships. In place of catholic Church the new Lutheran confession was officially introduced. To the half of the 19th century mixed marriages and mutual conversions have rarely appeared. Only in the 19th century, along with numerical height of the catholic community this problem started appearing more often. Analysis of statistical datas from the end of the 19th age and the 20th beginning are showing that such marriages have more often been contained in the Lutheran Church, and that the children were also being raised mainly in this faith. Also the balance of mutual conversions was advantageous for the Lutheran Church. Therefore in connecting to the roman catholic Church the Lutheran Church did not only lose, but even attracted new faithful. After the Second World War Lutherans became minority faith. Because of dislike from authorities and intolerance from new catholic settlers, Lutherans tried to avoid mixed marriages. If it already reached them, in general the marriage ceremony and baptism of children took place at the Roman Catholic Church. Sometimes occurred that the Lutherans on Masuria made conversion to Catholic faith right before entering into marriage with the Catholic. To the end of the fiftieth years mixed marriages constituted the little percent contained in both churches of marriage ceremonies. If to add the high birth rate in Masuria families, a statement that the mixed marriages and conversions to Catholicism did not have a direct effect to the demographic situation of the Lutheran Church on Masuria will be entitled. Clearly negative consequences of catholic – Lutheran marriages turned up only at the more late period. Taking the mentioned subject matter was aimed at introducing to the issue of the interrelation the evangelical and catholic community on Masuria. These issues have always aroused great emotions, especially when it was direct confrontation of representatives of both religious groups.
Journal: Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej
- Issue Year: 2013
- Issue No: 02
- Page Range: 181-204
- Page Count: 24
- Language: Polish