Terorismul international, amenintare asimetrica la adresa securitatii - Studiu de caz: terorismul sponsorizat de state -
International Terrorism, an Asymmetric Threat to Security. Case Study: State Sponsored Terrorism
Author(s): Dana DumitruSubject(s): Politics
Published by: Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative (SNSPA)
Keywords: terrorism; collective security; collective defence; pre-emptive attacks; pre-emptive war; non-state actors; asymmetric attack;
Summary/Abstract: Terrorism has evolved with the international political scene and is permanently adapting quickly becoming the greatest threat to international security. Terrorist groups began by acting locally and using terrorism as a method of resolving internal disputes, later becoming a global phenomenon and an asymmetrical threat to security. The danger of terrorist threats has increased due to the economic interdependence caused by globalisation. Terrorism has become a new way of conducting war. The new configuration of the new Middle East has allowed Arab countries to use the Palestinian cause in order to solve disputes with Israel or other states in the Persian Gulf region. These countries view terrorism as the most effective method of waging war on much more powerful states. State-sponsored terrorism has become a new way of conducting wars, which allows a sponsor state to act without submitting to the consequences of sanctions imposed by the international community. States that adopt this method of conducting war may deny direct involvement in the conflict. Islamic fundamentalist terrorism is currently considered the main threat to international security.
Journal: Europolity - Continuity and Change in European Governance
- Issue Year: 2/2008
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 48-65
- Page Count: 18
- Language: Romanian