Names <clothes> in Georg Wenker’s Questionnaires of 19th Century from Territory of Masuria, Warmia and Ostróda Cover Image
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Names <clothes> in Georg Wenker’s Questionnaires of 19th Century from Territory of Masuria, Warmia and Ostróda

Author(s): Dorota Krystyna Rembiszewska
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA
Keywords: Prussia; Georg Wenker; Ostróda; Warmia; Masuria; Mazury; odzienie; clothes; ubrania

Summary/Abstract: The text discusses names from 538 villages on the territory of Eastern and Western Prussia collected in the 70s of the 19th century for the German linguistic atlas, whose originator was Georg Wenker. These are equivalents of the German word das Kleid which appeared in one of the sentences of the questionnaire in oblique case: Geh, sei so gut und sag Deiner Schwester, sie sollte die Kleider für eure Mutter fertig nähen und mit der Bürste rein machen. Various equivalents of this German lexeme appeared in the records of teachers from Ostróda region, Warmia and Masuria. The word odzienie seems to be the most frequent. Names belonging to general Polish language for many years were fixed in the questionnaires. These are: obleczenie, prziodzewek, przyodzienie, rzeczy, suknia, szaty, ubiór, ubranie. Moreover, there was also the name klejdy typical for Northern Polish dialects and borrowed from German as well as klejdunek – derivated from klejdy. A word characteristic for Warmia and neighbouring areas is obleka (together with its phonetic version obleta). Such words as chały, kłaki, kodry, korman, szmaty were sporadically recorded.

  • Issue Year: 2012
  • Issue No: 08
  • Page Range: 67-75
  • Page Count: 9
  • Language: Polish
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