Changes in the structure of population in Bitola and Ohrid and their surrounding in the 18th century and the economic growth of these towns Cover Image
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Промени во етничката структура на населението во Битола и Охрид и околината во 18. век и економската засиленост во овие градови во овој период
Changes in the structure of population in Bitola and Ohrid and their surrounding in the 18th century and the economic growth of these towns

Author(s): Dragica Mitrova
Subject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Здружение на етнолозите на Република Македониjа - Музеj на Македониjа

Summary/Abstract: From the viewpoint of historiography, the world's history abounds with events of massive migrations from опе region to another, еуеп if these regions are very far away from each other. The article deals with migrations of population from two important towns for the Macedonia, Bitola and Ohrid, in the time when Macedonia was under the Turkish reign. It foсuѕеѕ оп migrations village-town, which played а significant part in development of crafts, trade and culture, thus contributing to increasing the economic power of the two towns. А point is аlso made to the class of citizens, from the core of whom the young Macedonian bourgeois was about to emerge and play an important role in the Macedonian revival and in the struggle for national liberation of Macedonian people.

  • Issue Year: 2000
  • Issue No: 9
  • Page Range: 53-66
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Macedonian
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