Yugoslavia's extensive development and survival (Critical views of Vladimir Bakarić) Cover Image

Ekstenzivni razvoj Jugoslavije i njezin opstanak (kritička stajališta Vladimira Bakarića)
Yugoslavia's extensive development and survival (Critical views of Vladimir Bakarić)

Author(s): Zorka Zović-Svoboda
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Fakultet političkih znanosti u Zagrebu
Keywords: Vladimir Bakarić; state socialism; Yugoslav socialism; administrative-centralist way of managing economy; economic structure; extensive investment; extensive development; economic reform; socialist self-government

Summary/Abstract: This article reconstructs and interprets Bakarić’s views on the causes of reproduction of extensive economic development in Yugoslavia in the historical context. Emphasis is put on Bakarić’s political-economic criticism of the ideology and practice of Yugoslav socialism. His research into the causes of the economic structure’s lack of balance and the consequences thereof starts from the etatist relations of production, which were the basic framework and an insurmountable obstacle to the possibility of their liberalization. He found the causes of imbalance in the bureaucratic relations and in the basic motives of the governing stratum to ensure – through incessant new big investments – mass employment, improvement of the standard of living, additional influx to the budget and preservation of the monopoly of party power. A long process of gradual, slow and uneven development of self-government in an unequally developed multiethnic community did not make it possible to break out of the vicious circle. Frequent normative and organizational changes concealed constant political debates and conflicts regarding budget distribution and fiscal solidarity among the republics and regions. Bakarić was critical towards the governing stratum, which focused on distribution instead of fulfilling prerequisites for far-reaching changes of the economic and social system, and this resulted in a general crisis and in the collapse of the Yugoslav model of socialism.

  • Issue Year: XLIX/2012
  • Issue No: 03
  • Page Range: 92-115
  • Page Count: 24
  • Language: Croatian
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