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Systematicity via Monadicity
Systematicity via Monadicity

Author(s): Paul M. Pietroski
Subject(s): Philosophy
Published by: KruZak
Keywords: adicity; analysis; compositionality; events; lexicalization; meaning; names; systematicity

Summary/Abstract: Words indicate concepts, which have various adicities. But words do not, in general, inherit the adicities of the indicated concepts. Lots of evidence suggests that when a concept is lexicalized, it is linked to an analytically related monadic concept that can be conjoined with others. For example, the dyadic concept chase(_, _) might be linked to chase(_), a concept that applies to certain events. Drawing on a wide range of extant work, and familiar facts, I argue that the (open class) lexical items of a natural spoken language include neither names nor polyadic predicates. The paper ends with some speculations about the value of a language faculty that would impose uniform monadic analyses on all concepts, including the singular and relational concepts that we share with other animals.

  • Issue Year: VII/2007
  • Issue No: 21
  • Page Range: 343-374
  • Page Count: 32
  • Language: English
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