Štruktúrna adaptácia zamestnanosti na recesiu a jej prekonávanie v slovenskej ekonomike
Structural Adaptation of Employment to Economic Recession and its Overcoming in the Slovak Economy
Author(s): Károly MorvaySubject(s): Economy
Published by: Ekonomický ústav SAV a Prognostický ústav SAV
Keywords: employment structure; labour market; economic recession
Summary/Abstract: Effects of recession on the structure of employment have been different in each phase of recession (and revival after the recession). It seems likely correct the assumption of our earlier analysis that in the initial phase of the recession was already noticeable structural changes in employment, but they were far from its final form. In later stages, the shape and intensity of structural changes has changed significantly. Recession strengthened the position of highest-edu-cated workers, penalizing the segment of youngest workers, in their early stage have necessitated further expansion of self-employment to the prejudice of dependent work. Recession in some cases reinforced the structural changes in employment, which were already present even before the recession (expansion of self-employment, share increase of the tertiary educated employed persons), in other cases, the recession has brought new structural changes (increase in the propor-tion of part-time work). Seem to be more important the cases, when the recession reinforced the structural changes that were in milder form present even before the recession. The recession has added new momentum to them.
Journal: Ekonomický časopis
- Issue Year: 60/2012
- Issue No: 02
- Page Range: 130-145
- Page Count: 16
- Language: Slovak