Bosnia and Herzegovina between Postwar and  Ownership Cover Image
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Bosnien-Herzegowina zwischen Nachkrieg und Selbstverantwortung
Bosnia and Herzegovina between Postwar and Ownership

Author(s): Roland Schönfeld
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Südosteuropa Gesellschaft e.V.
Keywords: Dayton Peace Accord; progress in stabilization in Bosnia and Herzegovina;

Summary/Abstract: Almost unnoticed an astonishing development has taken place in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) in recent years. Since the Dayton Peace Accord, the NATO-led military mission was reduced from 60,000 to 7,000 and has been replaced by an EU-led peacekeeping force at the end of 2004. This shows that the security situation has improved profoundly. Relations between BiH and the EU have greatly developed. From 1999 on, the SAP offered the prospect of integration into EU structures. As confirmed, BiH made considerable progress in stabilization. Democracy has begun to function; the rule of law was gradually re-established. The powers of the state-level institutions have been strengthened at the expense of the entities. However, BiH’s core challenge of building a self-sustaining state remains. The country has to demonstrate yet that it can meet the obligations of a SAA. Its pace to approach the EU depends essentially on the pace at which its government implements the necessary reforms. Due to massive international aid, the country’s housing and infrastructure has been largely restored. The currency is stable, inflation low. But the intense need of FDI and the persistent lack of self-sustaining domestic growth raise concerns, given the declining foreign assistance. Fundamental reforms are overdue, including the creation of a functioning single market. In order to solve problems in neighbouring countries looming as a threat to BiH’s unity, U.S.-European cooperation will be useful. The goal of EU-membership is a considerable incentive for the inevitable reform process. In order to avoid discouragement and fatigue on both sides in the long run, the EU has to enhance its efforts to accelerate BiH’s path to membership.

  • Issue Year: 2005
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Range: 26-41
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: German
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