His Century, Her Solution?: Women’s Alternatives to Technocratic Society in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland and Marge Piercy’s Woman on the Edge... Cover Image

His Century, Her Solution?: Women’s Alternatives to Technocratic Society in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland and Marge Piercy’s Woman on the Edge...
His Century, Her Solution?: Women’s Alternatives to Technocratic Society in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland and Marge Piercy’s Woman on the Edge...

Author(s): Raili Põldsaar
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus

Summary/Abstract: Our century has seen many culture wars that have revealed seams in the social fabric. There has been fight for national cultures and identities, within national and international settings. The academic circles have been discussing a further division, in the famed discrepancy of the “two cultures” of C. P. Snow (Snow 1993). Paradoxically, the age that has dedicated itself to celebrating globalization and the breakdown of boundaries, is also seeing an increasing number of polarities in both the public and intellectual sphere.

  • Issue Year: V/2000
  • Issue No: 5
  • Page Range: 295-305
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: English