The Regulation Theory and its Relation to Main Streams of Economic Thought Cover Image

Teória regulovania a jej vzťah k hlavným prúdom ekonomického myslenia
The Regulation Theory and its Relation to Main Streams of Economic Thought

Author(s): Magdaléna Přívarová
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Ekonomický ústav SAV a Prognostický ústav SAV
Keywords: regulation; type of accumulation; institutional forms; wage relationship; money; competition; state; international relations

Summary/Abstract: Around the Regulation Theory those current French economists have concen-trated, who have emphasized the importance of rules and social relations in the analysis of the functioning of an economy (the rules for wage setting, forms of competition among firms, monetary relations). This theory represents the stream of economic thoughts, according to which the regulation mode in the society varies over time. Its ambition is not to create a new theory of general laws of the functioning of the market and mixed economy, but to capture their variability over time and space. After the regulation based on the competition, which domi-nated until the 1929 – 1933 depression, the Fordist type of regulation followed, which hit the crisis in 70-ties of 20th century. Currently the School has been try-ing to specify basic features of the regulation mode corresponding to the condi-tions of the globalization and the New Economy

  • Issue Year: 55/2007
  • Issue No: 09
  • Page Range: 916-928
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Slovak
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